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I. J. Weinstock

I grew up in New York and New Jersey.


In high school, I performed in musicals but also became a football "hero" when I won my high school "Homecoming Day" game with a 65-yard touchdown.


I’ve enjoyed a varied career in the arts—acting on stage, appearing in films, and even doing performance art on the streets of New York. While producing television in Los Angeles, I created a new cable network, The Game Channel, which became the model for GSN (Game Show Network). I’ve also written several books.


A few years ago, I made a New Year’s Resolution to declare something I love every day for an entire year. As the weeks and months went by, I was surprised how good it made me feel—as if I was activating a kind of magical spell, a LoveSpell. And I wondered why?


Here’s what I learned. According to science, whatever you put your attention on expands. In the same way that a magnifying glass makes everything appear bigger, whatever you focus the lens of your attention on grows. And when you pay attention to things you love, you magnify and amplify them, and even create more of them!


Researchers have discovered that love is so good for you, it’s like a vitamin. Vitamin L(ove) actually makes you happier and healthier.


I've written a memoir about my incredible experience, The LoveSpell Experiment: My Year Exploring Love & Discovering a Secret to Happiness.


I wrote The LoveSpell Game to share the amazing results of my LoveSpell Experiment with young people. 


If you play the LoveSpell Game, you'll create real magic in your life. Do it often enough and you’ll activate a kind of superpower I call "LoveVision" — you’ll start viewing your life through love-colored glasses. The view is amazing!


The More You Love, The More You Win!



I. J. Weinstock

"Somewhere Under the Rainbow"

The Life Lesson I Learned on the Football Field...

During the summer of my sophomore year in high school, I came down with mono. In the fall, I tried out and made the varsity football team.


At the time, I didn’t know it would be months before I fully recovered. Though I attended school, I wasn’t feeling well enough to play. After a couple of weeks I had to quit the team.


Quitting was unacceptable to the coaches. The next summer, fully recovered, I trained every day in a park in preparation for football tryouts. I vowed I’d be in the starting lineup on opening day. I’ll never forget the day a coach saw me and asked what I was doing. “Getting ready for football season,” I told him. His response—“You’re wasting your time.”


I showed up for tryouts but was shunned. Though a senior, I was given freshman uniforms and ostracized in every possible way. No matter how hard I worked, I was ignored and, at most, assigned to carry equipment for the team.


After several weeks of being invisible on the field (not being picked for teams or drills), my quest seemed an exercise in futility. I was ready to quit. Again.


Dejected, I was sitting alone in the locker room after practice when one of the coaches came over and whispered, “Keep it up.” I did and began to be picked for drills. I was on fire!


On opening day I started on the first string varsity football team as a wide receiver and defensive cornerback.


To cap off my high school comeback fairy tale, on a crisp Saturday afternoon in October, I won the Homecoming Day game with a 66-yard touchdown.


When the town newspaper ran a front-page story with my picture, I began to think I could do anything I set my heart on.


The author (far left) on the set of the movie "Delta Force"
with Chuck Norris and Lee Marvin
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